The project “Multiversity – a White Paper on multiple and intersectional discrimination”, launched on October 31st of 2022, is a multidisciplinary project – with contributions from the Social Sciences, such as Economics, Sociology and Anthropology – with the goal of producing a cohesive recommendation (a White Paper), based on scientifically collected and analyzed data, that harmonizes existing protections against all grounds of discrimination in Portugal (sex, racial/ethnic origin, sexual orientation and gender identity and disability, and specific socio-economic consequences), as well as suggesting new, more effective protections of people who suffer discrimination on the basis of more than one ground – intersectional discrimination.
The project will, then, focus on an in-depth analysis of the existing legal anti-discrimination framework in Portugal, to identify possible gaps and inconsistencies. Then, and because fragmented responses to intersectional discrimination lower the protection level for those who suffer because of it – for example, people of color (race) who identify as women (gender) –, such analysis will be complemented by a discussion with Portuguese anti-discrimination NGOs, social partners, and public institutions responsible for anti-discrimination policies, in order to be able to obtain as much data as possible regarding the topic. A comparative analysis of legal anti-discrimination frameworks in different countries (with a special focus on the Norwegian experience) is also necessary, for the same reason.
Finally, the production and publication of the White Paper will propose a new anti-discrimination framework, in accordance with the conclusions drawn. In addition, a scientific article will also be prepared and submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.
Promoted by NOVA School of Law within the activity of NOVA Knowledge Centre for Data-Driven Law, the project, lasting for 18 months, is funded by the EEA Grants, within the Conciliation and Gender Equality Programme, with the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality as Programme Operator.
To learn more about this project, check out our Instagram: Projeto Multiversidade (@projetomultiversidade)