On November 14th, 2023, the e-course “Insurance and Sustainable Development Goals” was published on the NAU platform. Coordinated by professors Margarida Lima Rego and Marival Bolival Õnoro, this project aimed to explore the relationship between European Union Insurance Law, the SDGs and Human Rights – showing students how the insurance sector can contribute to the sustainable development goals through a series of lectures, delivered by top professionals on different SDGs.
Borrowing the lectures from the first edition of this course, that took place between March 31st and June 2nd 2023, the online NAU version is structured in the following way:
Module 1 – Introduction to the e-course. Basics of Insurance and SDG.
Module 2 – SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Module 3 – SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being.
Module 4 – SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG13: Climate Action.
Module 5 – SDG14: Life Below Water and SDG15: Life on Land.
Module 6 – SDG1: No Poverty and SDG2: Zero Hunger
Module 7 – SDG5: Gender Equality and SDG10: Reduced Inequality
Module 8 – SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production and SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Module 9 – SDG4: Quality Education and SDG16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions.
Interested students can enroll in this e-course until 27th June 2024, through the following link: Insurance and SDG – Curso – NAU site
E-Course: “Insurance and Sustainable Development Goals”