The Multiversity Project aims to produce an integrated and coherent system that equalizes protections against discrimination based on different categories under analysis (ethnic-racial origin, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, and disability), including protections against multiple and intersectional discrimination.
To build a scientifically grounded recommendation, the project’s multidisciplinary team has carried out various activities over the past few months, including an in-depth analysis of the legal and institutional framework against discrimination in Portugal; the analysis of legal and institutional frameworks in several European countries, with special emphasis on Norway; and fieldwork involving consultation with various stakeholders, including Portuguese NGOs, Public Entities, Trade Unions and Employers’ Confederations, European Entities, and key informants, with expertise in the fields of law and equality.
This Intermediate Workshop, that took place on June 23th of 2023, presented some intermediate results based on the empirical data collected during the first nine months of project implementation. Both a social and a legal analysis of this data was presented, respectively, by Miguel Vale de Almeida and Joana Brilhante; and Veronica Corcodel and Maria João Resende.
The Norwegian experience, regarding a more complete legal framework for protection against multiple discrimination, was also presented by Lene Løvdal, Chairperson of Egalia (Centre Against Discrimination, Norway).
Then, based on this information, the best legal and institutional response to the set of discriminations and their intersection were considered. Weighing the possibility of creating a new law that encompasses all categories – including multiple discrimination -, that frames an institutional reform, and promotes affirmative action measures in the private sector, Margarida Lima Rego and Paulo Côrte-Real and Margarida Lima Rego presented the project’s proposal.
To learn more about this project, check out our Instagram: Projeto Multiversidade (@projetomultiversidade)
Project Multiversity: Intermediate Workshop