Graduated in Law from the School of Law of the University of Porto (FDUP), Maria João Resende is currently attending a Master’s in Law, specialisation in International and European Law, in which she was awarded a merit grant. She completed her training with several short courses and extracurricular activities, most notably the Short Course on International Humanitarian Law and the Model European Union. Furthermore, she is a certified trainer by the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV) for prevention and awareness-raising actions within the scope of Human Rights and Victims’ Rights.
At the associative level, she was part of the FDUP Student Association for three years, culminating in the position of President and, inherently, becoming a member of the Senate and Coordinating Council for the Improvement of Teaching-Learning of the University of Porto, as well as a member of the Municipal Youth Council. In addition, she also assumed the functions of a student member on the Executive Board of the same school. She is currently the Chairman of the Board of the General Assembly of the National Council of Law Students.
She has a special interest in the issue of the Right to Asylum and Migration and its intersection with the rights of women and children. She is currently a research scholar for Project Multiversity, promoted by NOVA School of Law.
Maria João Resende