Joana Brilhante

Joana Brilhante is an anthropologist and a PhD. Student in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies at the Centre for Social Studies – University of Coimbra. Her investigation, “The Insular Effect: LGBTQ people’s experiences through the lens of geographical isolation”, combines the analysis of LGBTQ people’s experiences with the theoretical body of Geography of Sexualities.

She is an activist in PATH- Plataforma contra a Homofobia e Transfobia de Coimbra, and a founding member of the LGBTQ support centre (A)MAR- Açores pela diversidade. She has also published some articles in scientific journals, mainly: “Activistas-Ilha: O espaço enquanto factor de (in)visibilidade da diversidade sexual”, Antropologia Portuguesa (2021); and “The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Experiences of LGBTQ+ Adults in Portuguese Healthcare”, Healthcare (2022).

Her main areas of interest are human rights, queer studies, sexualities, and gender studies. Currently, she is also a member of Project Multiversity, promoted by NOVA School of Law.